LAFIA JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT SCIENCES A bi-annual publication of the Department of Economics, Federal University Lafia, Nigeria. en-US LAFIA JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT SCIENCES 2550-732X <p><strong>All right reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or any means without prior permission in writing from the copyright owner.</strong></p> Does Energy Consumption Impact Sustainable Development in Nigeria? <p>This study examined the sustainable development implications for energy consumption in Nigeria spanning from 1986 to 2022 using the Fully Modified<br>Ordinary Least Squares (FMOLS) technique. The estimated FMOLS results revealed that petroleum resource consumption has an adverse and statistically<br>non-significant impact on sustainability in Nigeria as a positive relationship means that petroleum consumption increases carbon emission and<br>unsustainability in Nigeria. Further, the study revealed that electricity consumption and sustainable development are negatively and significantly<br>related. This implies that the consumption of fossil fuel-related energy like petroleum leads to increased environmental degradation which tends to<br>jeopardize the chances of the future generation from benefiting from such resource rent. This situation is seen as a lack of sustainable development. The<br>result also showed that biomass consumption positively and significantly impacts sustainable development in Nigeria. This implies that the consumption<br>of renewable resources like biomass is environmentally friendly and sustainability-enhancing. Thus, the study recommended among others that the<br>government should enact energy-efficient policies such as carbon tax or emissions trading, fuel efficiency standards for vehicles, Electric vehicle<br>incentives, energy efficiency tax credits, and others to curb the emission of carbon monoxide.</p> Osarobo Imarhiagbe Georgina Okpoa Asemota2 Ewere Florence Okungbowa Copyright (c) 2025 LAFIA JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT SCIENCES 2025-03-01 2025-03-01 9, Issue 2; 2 1 20 Foreign Direct Investment-Global Oil Price Nexus: A Comparative Analysis for both Nigeria and Morocco <p>This study investigated the relationship between crude oil prices and foreign direct investment inflow in Nigeria and Morocco. The research was motivated<br>by the critical role of Foreign Direct Investment in driving economic growth and the perceived influence of oil price on investment decision. Utilizing data<br>from 1990 to 2022, the study employed Autoregressive distributed lag model (ARDL) and the Error correction (ECM) models to analyse the impact of oil<br>prices on Foreign Direct Investment. The findings revealed that in Nigeria, global oil price and inflation rate were the most significant factors affecting<br>foreign direct investment in both the short and long run. Oil price has a positive relationship with FDI while inflation rate has a negative relationship<br>with FDI. In Morocco, oil price, real gross domestic product and interest rate have a positive impact on FDI. Oil price had a significant positive impact on<br>Foreign Direct Investment in both countries. The conclusion to be drawn from this study is that there are different and similar factors affecting FDI inflow in<br>various countries. A similar factor may have a positive relationship with FDI in a country and yet have a negative relationship with FDI in another country.<br>The study recommends that the Central Bank of Nigeria should work towards reducing its inflation rate as this will help to attract FDI. Also, the government<br>of Morocco should provide a conducive environment for all businesses to grow. When local production increases, it helps to attract FDI into the<br>country.</p> Moshood Kolawole Alabi Halimoh Olawunmi Odeniyi Copyright (c) 2025 LAFIA JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT SCIENCES 2025-03-01 2025-03-01 9, Issue 2; 2 21 40 Dynamics of Socioeconomic Status and Health Poverty in Ibonwon Township of Eredo Local Council Development Area, Lagos-Nigeria <p>Health spending patterns in Nigeria are significantly impacted by increase in poverty trend; also, the recent recession due to COVID-19 pandemic has<br>worsened healthcare deprivation leading to increased unemployment and vulnerability in household access to health services. However, studies have<br>exposed some entangled findings on how poverty affects health deprivation in developing countries. Going by these premises this study focuses on the<br>dynamics of socioeconomic status and health poverty in Ibonwon Township, Lagos State, aiming to develop a health poverty index using the Alkire Foster<br>technique. Using the Taro-Yamane sampling size formula, three hundred questionnaires were distributed to seven-quarters of the township for data<br>collection. The health poverty index was used to examine economic determinants of health poverty, revealing a high frequency of health<br>deprivation, particularly on healthcare costs. The study found that household income does not significantly impact health poverty, with income differences<br>causing deprivation and severity by 1.9%. Job skill significantly affects deprivation and severity, while unskilled heads is reduced by 47.4% following<br>an increase of 14.57%. The study concludes that State Government in its efforts should continually improve access to affordable medical facilities,<br>qualified doctors, infrastructure, and health service awareness can help eliminate health poverty in Lagos State, but reducing family size may not<br>always be effective presently as it takes a long-term plan that warrants steady education of its populace needs. The policy suggestion of the study is that<br>women’s economic empowerment and economic initiatives should be embraced by the policy makers to alleviate health poverty.</p> Kehinde K. Agbatogun Adeniyi M. Oresanwo Adenuga F. Adekoya Copyright (c) 2025 LAFIA JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT SCIENCES 2025-03-01 2025-03-01 9, Issue 2; 2 41 58 Assessing the Influence of the One Champions Digital Advocacy Program on Public Awareness, Youth Engagement, and Policy Change in Development Communications in Nigeria <p>This study assesses the influence of the ONE Champions Digital Advocacy Program on public awareness and policy change within Nigeria's development<br>communications landscape. The objectives are to evaluate the program’s impact on public knowledge and youth engagement, examine its role in<br>fostering policy dialogue, and identify challenges that hinder broader influence. Using a qualitative research design, this study relies on secondary<br>data analysis and interviews to explore the program's effectiveness in promoting awareness on issues such as health, education, and social justice.<br>Findings indicate that the program significantly enhances public knowledge, empowering young advocates to engage actively with policymakers. However,<br>barriers like limited internet access (the "digital divide") and political resistance from officials reluctant to engage with youth-led initiatives reduce<br>its reach and impact. Recommendations include expanding digital literacy initiatives, building multi-stakeholder partnerships, and strengthening offline<br>engagement strategies to overcome these challenges. This study concludes that while the ONE Champions Program has made substantial progress in shaping<br>policy discourse, greater efforts are required to ensure inclusivity and sustain advocacy across underserved communities in Nigeria.</p> Olawale Lateef Makanjuola Copyright (c) 2025 LAFIA JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT SCIENCES 2025-03-01 2025-03-01 9, Issue 2; 2 59 71 Determinants of Households Consumption among Staff of Osun State Local Government Service Commission <p>This study empirically examined the determinants of household consumption expenditure among staff of Osun State Local Government Service<br>Commission. A total sample of 124 staff of local government commission was purposively selected for the study. A self-constructed questionnaire was<br>employed to gathered data from the respondents. Multiple linear regression model and correlation analysis were used to analyse the information obtained<br>from the field. The findings of the study revealed that employment status and income level of household are the most significant factor that influence<br>household’s consumption pattern in the study area. while employment status exact positive significance, income on the hand show a negative relationship<br>with consumption expenditure. The study therefore recommended that government should initiate policies such as unemployment benefits, vocational<br>training programme, job training programme, and investment incentives that is capable of guarantee suitable employment opportunities for the teaming<br>youth so as to enhance their consumption level. Also, government should also prioritize policies and programmes, which may include quality health care<br>services, subsidized education and unconditional cash transfer financial support, as a way of reducing poverty level, in a bid to enhance consumption<br>level of the people in the study area. that will alleviate poverty level in the society with a view to increase income level, and consequently their consumption level.</p> Mumini Kadir Adamu Sagir Copyright (c) 2025 LAFIA JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT SCIENCES 2025-03-01 2025-03-01 9, Issue 2; 2 72 87 Remittance Inflow, Digital Technology and Human Development in Sub- Saharan Africa <p>Money transfers from abroad serves as a significant source of finance to many households and countries in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) have been hampered<br>by cost of transfers, amidst advancement in digital technologies. This study explores how remittance inflows and digital technology together impact wellbeing<br>improvement in Sub-Saharan Africa. The study employed the conditional panel quantile regression methods and a panel data of forty-five<br>(45) SSA countries from 2010 to 2022 for data analysis. The study found that the effect of remittance and digital technology on human development varies<br>across SSA countries. The study also found that the combine impact of money transfers from abroad and digital technology on human development has<br>noticeable variations across the lower HDI (25th quantile), middle HDI (50th quantile) and higher HDI (75th quantile) levels. This effect of remittance and<br>digital technology on human development and their interaction is higher for countries at the middle HDI level (50th quantile). The study concludes that as<br>remittances from abroad are becoming major sources of foreign financial inflows, harnessing the drivers of these remittance inflows is vital for<br>improvement in human developmental process in SSA. The study therefore recommends that to boost personal remittance inflow from abroad for<br>improvement in human development index amidst advancement in digital technologies, Sub-Saharan African countries should introduce consumer<br>oriented digital platforms for remittance services which should be adequately protected.</p> Chinedu Callistus Onyia Samuel Felix Okereke Aloysious Ezike Agada Copyright (c) 2025 LAFIA JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT SCIENCES 2025-03-01 2025-03-01 9, Issue 2; 2 88 104 Effect of Climate Change on Economic Growth in Nigeria <p>The research seeks to investigate the climate change effect and the growth of the Nigerian economy, using the model of Autoregressive Distributed Lag<br>(ARDL) to examine the changes of short-time and long-time period for thirty (30) years (1993–2023). Applying the Endogenous Growth Theory as the<br>theoretical framework. The short-time period results reveal that fluctuations in climate change indicators, gross capital formation (GCF), foreign direct<br>investment (FDI), and trade openness (TRO) show inconsistent but significantly impacts on Gross Domestic Product. However, the long-time<br>period, some of these variables demonstrate non-significantly statistical effect on the growth of the economy, suggesting structural limitations within<br>Nigeria’s economy that may prevent the full realization of the growth potential of these factors. The Correction in Error Term reveals a slow rate for<br>equilibrium adjusted, highlighting economy’s gradual response to deviations from long-term trends. Meanwhile, there is confirmation of model robustness<br>from Diagnostic test, without heteroskedasticity’s evidence and residuals from serial correlation, thus supporting the findings’ reliability. The study concludes<br>that while climate change, FDI, GCF, and trade openness can influence shortterm growth, their long-term impact is hindered by Nigerian economic and<br>structural challenges. Based on the results, the research recommends strengthening regulatory frameworks to improve FDI effectiveness, investing<br>in climate-resilient infrastructure, enhancing the efficiency of capital allocation for productive projects, and diversifying the trade structure to<br>maximize the benefits of trade openness. These strategic recommendations aim to address underlying structural constraints, thereby supporting Nigeria’s<br>pathway to sustainable economic growth.</p> Charles Agum Wilson Daniel Anjola Agyo Isamaila Ewa Jaafaru Askilu Copyright (c) 2025 LAFIA JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT SCIENCES 2025-03-01 2025-03-01 9, Issue 2; 2 105 127 Impact of Public Administration on Cricket Sport Governance in Lagos State <p>Despite cricket's global prominence, there is a significant gap in understanding the application of public administration principles within<br>cricket boards, particularly regarding transparency, financial management, and accountability. This study examined public administration in sports<br>governance in Lagos State, Nigeria. Data was primarily collected through questionnaires, supplemented by journals, textbooks, and archived<br>government documents. The study population comprised 82 individuals, including players, coaches, umpires, board members, and management of<br>Lagos State cricket sport. Using the Krejcie and Morgan table, a sample size of 67 respondents was determined. Out of the distributed questionnaires, 60<br>were completed and analysed using SPSS version 21. The study found that transparent and inclusive decision-making is crucial in governance and<br>organizational management, with the cricket board's decision-making processes being clearly communicated and widely supported. There was<br>strong agreement on the importance of codes of conduct and ethical standards to maintain the integrity of sports organizations. However, areas needing<br>improvement were identified, such as enhancing community involvement to foster ownership and support for local teams and addressing potential gaps in<br>media collaboration for better engagement. The study concluded that the governance, accountability, and operational structures of the cricket board<br>exhibit both strengths and areas in need of improvement. The study recommends that the Lagos State government should use social media, local<br>media, community meetings, and newsletters to engage diverse communities; developing and promoting cricket programmes that cater to a wide range of<br>demographics, including underrepresented groups, and ensuring events are culturally inclusive and reflect the diversity of Lagos.</p> Amin Amin Seriki Isiaka Adamu Eboka Ebere Temilade Copyright (c) 2025 LAFIA JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT SCIENCES 2025-03-01 2025-03-01 9, Issue 2; 2 128 155 Monetary Policy and Foreign Direct Investment in Nigeria <p>This study analysed the nexus between monetary policy and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Nigeria (1981-2022). The study uses both ARDL and Nonlinear<br>ARDL econometric techniques. The analysis reveals that monetary policy has long-run and short-run relationships with FDI in Nigeria even<br>though the instruments do not influence FDI similarly. Real Exchange Rate (REXR) has a negative symmetric impact on FDI in both short and long terms.<br>There is however no asymmetric relationship between REXR and FDI. A stable and market-reflective exchange rate will have a stronger effect on FDI than a<br>currency appreciation in Nigeria. The short-term impact is found to be significant. Monetary contraction in terms of Monetary Policy Rate (MPR) has<br>both short and long-term negative impacts on FDI and an asymmetric effect on FDI with the negative shock having a stronger impact. Money Supply (M2)<br>is attractive to FDI in the short term but not significantly impactful on FDI in the long term. The study recommends the implementation of a moderate and<br>stable monetary policy rate and exchange rate systems that balance the need to create an investment-friendly climate to make Nigeria a destination for<br>foreign investors.</p> Dogara Egbiku Joshua Osmond Chigozie Agu Olusegun Olalekan Amodu Umar Sharafadeen Elegu Copyright (c) 2025 LAFIA JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT SCIENCES 2025-03-01 2025-03-01 9, Issue 2; 2 156 177 Public Debt, Fiscal Stability and Economic Growth in Nigeria <p>This study examines Nigeria's public debt and its impact on fiscal stability. It aims to provide insights into how Nigeria can navigate debt challenges for<br>sustainable economic growth while maintaining fiscal stability. The paper reveals Nigeria’s significant increase in external debt from 14% to 40%<br>between 2012 and 2022, affecting Nigeria's development agenda. High borrowing costs and a significant portion of public revenue being allocated to<br>debt servicing have led to reduced investments in critical sectors like education, health, and infrastructure. The paper also discusses the concept of<br>debt overhang and its deterrent effect on investment and economic growth. It also discusses the role of fiscal policy in managing public debt and ensuring<br>fiscal stability. The study assesses the sustainability of Nigeria's public debt policy and its contribution to trade deficits. It also investigates the impact of<br>various components of the national debt burden on economic stability. The study recommends optimizing the debt structure, generating revenue beyond<br>oil, improving tax administration, and implementing public financial management reforms. It also emphasizes the need for anti-corruption<br>measures to enhance expenditure efficiency and fiscal discipline.</p> Osmond N. Okonkwo Emmanuel I. Ajudua Copyright (c) 2025 LAFIA JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT SCIENCES 2025-03-01 2025-03-01 9, Issue 2; 2 178 193