Guidelines for Author(s)

Lafia Journal of Economics and Management Sciences (LAJEMS) is the official Journal of the Department of Economics, Federal University of Lafia, Nasarawa State, Nigeria. It is a peer-reviewed journal that provides an international outlet for the scholarly dissemination of empirical and theoretical research findings in Economics, Business Administration, Accounting, Finance, and Marketing. That is published bi-annually (June and December). The journal receives papers and articles from members of academic institutions, research organizations, non-governmental organizations, and independent researchers for consideration and possible publication in journal issues.



Intending contributors should send their manuscripts typed, double-spaced on A4 paper and not exceeding 20 pages as an email attachment to ( and copy ( The submission should include an abstract of not more than 250 words stating the objectives, methodology, findings, conclusion, and recommendations. The file format should be MS Word and must be PC-compatible. The manuscript should be prepared in accordance with the format prescribed by the American Psychological Association (APA). For details, see the publication manual of the APA 6th Edition. Once accepted, authors are asked to provide a final soft copy, which cannot be at the proof stage.

The submission must be accompanied by the evidence of payment of an assessment fee of Five Thousand Naira Only (N5,000) to the Managing Editor. If the manuscript is accepted after a peer review, the author(s) will be requested to pay the publication fee of Thirty-five thousand Naira Only (N35,000) to the account details below. The Author(s) of each article published is only entitled to a complimentary hard copy of the edition in which their contributions appear. The journal is also available on the Federal University Lafia website and can be accessed at


Bank: ECOBank
Account Name: Dept. of Economics Journal Account, Federal University Lafia 
Account Number: 4200104653


Anonymous Review

All papers will be subjected to a plagiarism check (The Similarity Index should not be more than 20%) and, thereafter, double-blind review. Authors are, therefore, expected to send manuscripts with the first page containing the title, name(s), contact information (including email), and affiliation. The second page should contain the article's title and abstract, with the rest of the manuscript beginning with the introduction.



The title should be concise and supplied on a separate sheet of the manuscript. A short title should be supplied with not more than 40 characters (including spaces).



An abstract of not more than 250 words in English should precede the article.



All articles should contain Keywords. Not more than six keywords should be submitted using JEL classification codes.


Main Body of Manuscript

Authors are advised to acknowledge all sources of information. They should follow the APA 6th edition format in in-text citations and references. In this context, therefore:

  1. Long quotations over 40 words should be indented and flushed to the page's right-hand side.
  2. In works with more than two authors, all the authors should be acknowledged in the first citation, and subsequent citations, only the lead author is cited, followed by the word et al., and the year of publication.

iii. Authors should define and /or explain all acronyms before they are cited.

  1. All in-text citations should be properly acknowledged in the reference section
  2. Fonts should be in Times New Roman, 12 points, and Double Spacing, and should not exceed 20 pages.



The APA 6th edition referencing style is used (author’s /author's name and date of publication bracketed in the text), and all works cited should be listed alphabetically by author after the main body of the text.


Table and Figures

All tables and figures should be supplied and properly labeled. Figures should be supplied as high quality, and any lettering or line work and maps should be able to sustain reduction to the final size of reproduction. Tints or complex shadings should be avoided.



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