This study was carried out to evaluate the impact of political participation on economic growth in Nigeria between 1999 and 2016. Premised on the theoretical underpinnings of Riker-Ordeshook cost-benefit calculation theory and the rational choice theory, the study used GDP per capita as proxy for economic growth while political participation was measured by political participation index. Autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) model was used to estimate the model of the study. The study found no long run relationship between political participation and economic growth in Nigeria. Contrary to theory, however, the study found negative and insignificant relationship between political participation and economic growth in Nigeria. Thus, the study concludes that political participation has not favourably contributed to economic growth in Nigeria due largely to low participation of citizens in political activities in Nigeria. The study recommends increased participation of citizens in political activities in Nigeria so as to reap the full benefits of political participation.
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