Effect of Brand Storytelling on Customer Retention in Non-Alcoholic Beverage Industry in Delta State, Nigeria

  • Stanley Akpevwe Onobrakpeya Federal Polytechnic Orogun Delta State, Nigeria
  • Onyenanu Conleth Okechukwu Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria
Keywords: Brand Storytelling, Customer Retention, Non-Alcoholic Beverage Industry JEL Classification Codes: M30, M31, M37


The study explored the effect of brand storytelling on customer retention in non-alcoholic beverage industry in Delta state, Nigeria. This study used a cross-sectional survey research approach. The study focused on customers of non-alcoholic beverage companies in Delta state. The Cochran formula was used to calculate the sample size of 384. The study used the judgmental sampling technique. The researchers designed a structured questionnaire to collect data directly from customers. The test-retest reliability method was employed to determine the instrument's reliability. The data collected for the study were nalysed using frequencies, percentages, correlation and multiple regression analysis to arrive at a conclusion. Findings showed that the dimensions of brand storytelling explained 46% of the variations in customer retention. Genuine brand stories, brand emotional connection and consistent brand narrative has significant positive effect on customer retention. The study concluded that brand storytelling has a significant positive effect on customer retention in Delta state non-alcoholic beverage industry. The study recommended amongst others that firms should regularly review and update their narrative to align with volving consumer preferences and market trends while maintaining the core essence of the brand. This consistency not only reinforces the brand identity but also helps consumers easily recognize and remember the non-alcoholic beverages in a competitive market.

Author Biographies

Stanley Akpevwe Onobrakpeya, Federal Polytechnic Orogun Delta State, Nigeria

Department of Marketing, 

Onyenanu Conleth Okechukwu, Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria

Department of Marketing and Entrepreneurship, 
