• Hanmaikyur, Tyoapine John (Ph.D) Federal University of Agriculture, Makurdi - Nigeria
  • Jinjiri, RingimKabiru (Ph.D) Ahmadu Bello University Zaria
  • Igbe, Tyokura Boniface Benue State Polytechnic, Ugbokolo
Keywords: Fossil fuels, Renewable energy, Policy initiatives, enlightenment campaign, living standards.


The negative environmental effects of burning fossil fuels as well as world population explosion along with political instability in many regions of the world combined with the rising cost of energy have set many nations on a quest for alternative sources of energy as well as some degree of energy independence and security. With these factors driving the shift towards renewable energy, the time has come to start looking for opportunities to help solve the world's energy problems and perhaps, make money. This study, utilizing the library research approach, has examined the above issue with a particular focus on Nigeria. The study found that, despite her great and diverse natural endowments, Nigeria is yet to diversify from fossil fuels and tangibly embrace the renewable energy revolution. It was also found that there are a great many entrepreneurial opportunities in the renewable energy industry in Nigeria but that many Nigerians are not aware of these opportunities much less taking advantage of them. It was recommended (among others) that for Nigeria to make any significant progress in developing her renewable energy potentials, major policy initiatives must be developed and leveraged upon to drive interest and encourage investment in renewable energy and that Government should embark on intensive enlightenment campaign to acquaint the citizens of the benefits and impact of renewable energy on their living standards.

Author Biographies

Hanmaikyur, Tyoapine John (Ph.D), Federal University of Agriculture, Makurdi - Nigeria

Department of Business Administration

Jinjiri, RingimKabiru (Ph.D), Ahmadu Bello University Zaria

Department of Business Administration

Igbe, Tyokura Boniface, Benue State Polytechnic, Ugbokolo

Department of Business Administration/Management


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