It is disheartening that in developing countries, people often fall sick and die of diseases that are preventable and treatable. Most of such individuals do not benefit from modern health knowledge and technology which could help restore their health. Some communities do not have access to good and efficient health services; while some other people in communities with health facilities do fail to make appropriate use of them. This study thus explicitly examined the economic determinants of choice of health care services and providers among students in Nigeria, using Nasarawa State University as a case study. Descriptive method of analysis was adopted, while independent sample t-test was utilized to test the stated hypothesis. Findings from the study revealed that the level of income has a significant effect on choice of healthcare service provider and the Individuals who have sufficient incomes preferred to use modern health care facility irrespective of where it is located and provided they can afford them. In addition, the finding revealed that price of medical care has a significant influence in the choice of healthcare service providers. The distance to health facility was revealed to have had a significant impact on choice of healthcare service provider. It demonstrated that distance to health facility is an important factor associated with decrease in seeking of health care services. The study thus recommends that there is the need for government to subsidize cost of health care services particularly for the students and indigent citizens. In citing health care service, federal and state medical boards should also put into consideration the students. This is to enable them access health care services in the face of the rising income constraint by this group of people.
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