Regime Analysis of Exchange Rate Volatility and Economic Growth in Nigeria

  • Andohol Jerome Terhemba Benue State University, Makurdi


The study anchored on the traditional theory of exchange rate appraised the asymmetric effects of shocks emanating from exchange rate volatility on certain macroeconomic fundamentals in the Nigerian economy, within two structural regimes of fixed and floating exchange rate, which coincides with military and democratic governance in the country. The study used quarterly data disaggregated into 1986Q1 to 1998Q4 and 1999Q1 to 2010Q4. Using the ARCH model, the study revealed that the selected macroeconomic fundamentals (Exchange Rate, Imports, Exports, External Reserve and Gross Domestic Product) performed better within the period 1999Q1 to 2010Q4. The study also revealed that despite positive trade balances in either period, it was not enough for economic growth to move in the right direction. The study further showed that there exists strong volatility clustering for exchange rate and it is persistent, with the impact ascribed more to past volatility of exchange rate (i.e. ARCH effect) than news or information coming from the previous exchange rate volatility (i.e. GARCH effect). The study recommended that manufacturers should improve on their technological capabilities to boost real production of goods and services; as well as strategies to ease access to credit channels and the control of inflation should be recurring decimals for improvement to enable positive contribution to economic growth.

Biografia Autor

Andohol Jerome Terhemba, Benue State University, Makurdi

Department of Economics


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