An Assessment of Household's Preference for Curbside Recycling Attributes in Putrajaya, Malaysia: A Choice Modelling Approach
This study evaluated attribute preference for curbside recycling among households in Putrajaya, Malaysia. The success of a recycling program hinges mainly on participation, which is influenced by supporting facilities. Providing appropriate facilities is necessary to motivate and encourage participation in curbside recycling. This study employed stated preference choice experiment technique on 431 randomly selected households in Putrajaya, Malaysia and Conditional Logit and Random Parameter Models were used to evaluate their attribute preference. The results obtained indicated that the utility derived from participating in curbside recycling increases most significantly with provision of multiple waste separation bins and frequency of collection. Interestingly the results also revealed that, respondents derive utility from increased number of waste separations. The outcome of the analysis also identified some heterogeneity in preference of the households for the attributes of curbside recycling. The outcome of this study can make-available to policy makers or solid waste service providers the much-needed waste separation facilities desirable to support households’ waste separation activities. This will, equip policy-makers with the ability to match household demand for, and affordability in supply of the facilities. This will help to inspire waste minimisation philosophy, thereby maximising the social net benefit from recycling, and minimising the negative environmental impact of mixed waste disposal. This will ensure an efficient and sustainable solid waste management.
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