This study is an empirical investigation of the causal relationship among population growth, urbanization and economic growth in Nigeria from 1961 to 2013. The main objective is to determine the causal linkage that exists among population growth, urbanization and economic growth in Nigeria for the same period. Secondary annual data obtained from the World Development Indicators data of the World Bank (2014) was used. The data were analyzed using granger causality test adopted as the tool for data analysis. The results reveal that there is a unidirectional causality running from economic growth (GDPG) to population growth (POP) in Nigeria but there is no causal relationship between urbanization (URB) and economic growth (GDPG). This connotes in a nutshell that the only causal linkage found was the one running from economic growth to population growth during the period studied among the variables analyzed (economic growth, population growth and Urbanization rate). Hence, the study recommends among others that population control policy of Nigeria, urban planning laws and regulations as well as National Economic Empowerment and Development Strategies (NEEDS) should be implemented strictly to achieve the goals for which they were set to achieve.
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