Determinants of Households Consumption among Staff of Osun State Local Government Service Commission

  • Mumini Kadir Federal Polytechnic Ede, Osun State.
  • Adamu Sagir Bauchi StateUniversity, Gadau.


This study empirically examined the determinants of household consumption expenditure among staff of Osun State Local Government Service
Commission. A total sample of 124 staff of local government commission was purposively selected for the study. A self-constructed questionnaire was
employed to gathered data from the respondents. Multiple linear regression model and correlation analysis were used to analyse the information obtained
from the field. The findings of the study revealed that employment status and income level of household are the most significant factor that influence
household’s consumption pattern in the study area. while employment status exact positive significance, income on the hand show a negative relationship
with consumption expenditure. The study therefore recommended that government should initiate policies such as unemployment benefits, vocational
training programme, job training programme, and investment incentives that is capable of guarantee suitable employment opportunities for the teaming
youth so as to enhance their consumption level. Also, government should also prioritize policies and programmes, which may include quality health care
services, subsidized education and unconditional cash transfer financial support, as a way of reducing poverty level, in a bid to enhance consumption
level of the people in the study area. that will alleviate poverty level in the society with a view to increase income level, and consequently their consumption level.

Bibliographies de l'auteur

Mumini Kadir, Federal Polytechnic Ede, Osun State.

Department of Business Administration and Management, School of
Business and Management Studies, 

Adamu Sagir, Bauchi StateUniversity, Gadau.

Department of Economics, Faculty of Social Sciences, 
