• ADOFU, Ilemona (Ph.D) Federal University Lafia
  • SALAMI Abdulganiyu Federal University, Lafia, Nigeria


This study investigated the effect of unemployment rates on mortality rates in Nigeria, using time series data. The methods of data analysis are Johansen Cointegration Test and Fully-Modified Least Square Regression (embedded with distributed lag of unemployment). The result shows that the second lag of unemployment rates have significant and positive effect on mortality rates. A one percent increase in unemployment leads to 0.16% increase in total mortality rates, 0.17% increase in adult male mortality rates and 0.15% increase in adult female mortality rates. In addition, GDP per capita was found to have significant and negative effect on mortality rates. A one percent increase in GDP per capita leads to 0.11% decrease in total mortality rates. 0.12% decrease in adult male mortality rates and 0.09% decrease in adult female mortality rates. It can therefore be concluded that Nigerian economic fluctuation, represented by the unemployment rate and GDP per capita, is a determinant of the mortality rates in the country. It is recommended that policy makers put in place policies that will not only decrease the rate of unemployment but also increase GDPper capita in Nigeria.

Biografias Autor

ADOFU, Ilemona (Ph.D) , Federal University Lafia

Department of Economics

SALAMI Abdulganiyu , Federal University, Lafia, Nigeria

Department of Economics


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